Top 10 Traffic Building Mistakes To Avoid
Top 10 Traffic Building Mistakes To Avoid

Top 10 Traffic Building Mistakes To Avoid

When people look to submit their sites to the major search engines,Guest Posting there are some key mistakes that should be avoided for successful promotion.SpamThe surefire way of getting your site blacklisted from the major search engines. Many people see creating thousands of cloaked or doorway pages with hidden text as the quick route to ranking success. It isn’t.Untargeted TrafficIt’s one thing to generate lots of new traffic to your site, but is it the right traffic? If you’re selling DVD’s for example, you want potential buyers to visit, not people who are searching for pictures of a certain movie star. Best to make it clear in your meta information exactly what your site does, then you’ll get the type of clientele you’re after!Single KeywordsUnless you’re in some incredible niche marketplace where a single word can only be identified with your product with few competitors, single keywords aren’t going to hit the bullseye in a traffic sense. Multiple word keyword phrases are the key to traffic success. Instead of going for “books”, go for “thai recipe books” or whatever your target market is. You’ll have far less competition for that keyword phrase than just a single word. Believe us, we’ve worked on a bookseller’s site.

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